miércoles, 30 de septiembre de 2009
-ed and -ing adjectives
(Decide si alguien es la causa de esa sensación/emoción or el receptor de la misma).
This website is great for practise and learning concepts, and it is great fun as well!
viernes, 25 de septiembre de 2009
Back to school!
English Department
viernes, 5 de junio de 2009
lunes, 18 de mayo de 2009
Interactive email exercise for inglesestrella from nonstopenglish.com for 18 May 2009
Choose the right words related to age.
Enter your login name: Enter your password: Forgot your password? Get it here |
Dear inglesestrella,
Here is the interactive email exercise you have requested.
Just open the file called Exercise_329.html
Do the exercise but before submitting it, do not forget to enter your login name and password.
Your login name is: inglesestrella
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Click here and type your login name to receive your password:
If you wish to do this exercise online click on the link below
As a result of students' wish, you can choose which days you will receive email exercises.
If you want to have control over how often you want to receive email exercises, you can do the following:
Login to your account and click on the 'Personal data' link. Click 'I want to change my personal data' button.
Edit your profile, choose the days for your email exercises and update your account. Well, that's all.
If you do not select a day, you will receive an exercise every Tuesday and Thursday.
You will get max. 10 exercises without the need to do them. However, if you stop doing these exercises, we will not send you any new exercises. We will send you the exercises you have not done yet.
Should you experience any problems, write to us teachers2005-1@nonstopenglish.com
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martes, 5 de mayo de 2009
3º y 4º
Y algunos ejercicios en:
lunes, 4 de mayo de 2009
Interactive email exercise for inglesestrella from nonstopenglish.com for 04 May 2009
Put the verbs into the Past Simple tense.
Enter your login name: Enter your password: Forgot your password? Get it here |
Dear inglesestrella,
Here is the interactive email exercise you have requested.
Just open the file called Exercise_505.html
Do the exercise but before submitting it, do not forget to enter your login name and password.
Your login name is: inglesestrella
Forgot your password?
Click here and type your login name to receive your password:
If you wish to do this exercise online click on the link below
As a result of students' wish, you can choose which days you will receive email exercises.
If you want to have control over how often you want to receive email exercises, you can do the following:
Login to your account and click on the 'Personal data' link. Click 'I want to change my personal data' button.
Edit your profile, choose the days for your email exercises and update your account. Well, that's all.
If you do not select a day, you will receive an exercise every Tuesday and Thursday.
You will get max. 10 exercises without the need to do them. However, if you stop doing these exercises, we will not send you any new exercises. We will send you the exercises you have not done yet.
Should you experience any problems, write to us teachers2005-1@nonstopenglish.com
If you know of someone who is learning English you can tell him about us here:
Thank you.
If you want to unsubscribe from these motivating email exercises you can login and on the right, under the menu check 'Unsubscribe from email exercises' and press the 'Unsubscribe' button
If you want to delete your account you can unsubscribe here: http://www.nonstopenglish.com/login/deletemyaccount.asp?n=inglesestrella&e=inglesestrella.mailtoblogger@blogger.com
lunes, 27 de abril de 2009
Interactive email exercise for inglesestrella from nonstopenglish.com for 27 April 2009
Each sentence has a spelling mistake, find it and correct it.
Enter your login name: Enter your password: Forgot your password? Get it here |
Dear inglesestrella,
Here is the interactive email exercise you have requested.
Just open the file called Exercise_477.html
Do the exercise but before submitting it, do not forget to enter your login name and password.
Your login name is: inglesestrella
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Click here and type your login name to receive your password:
If you wish to do this exercise online click on the link below
As a result of students' wish, you can choose which days you will receive email exercises.
If you want to have control over how often you want to receive email exercises, you can do the following:
Login to your account and click on the 'Personal data' link. Click 'I want to change my personal data' button.
Edit your profile, choose the days for your email exercises and update your account. Well, that's all.
If you do not select a day, you will receive an exercise every Tuesday and Thursday.
You will get max. 10 exercises without the need to do them. However, if you stop doing these exercises, we will not send you any new exercises. We will send you the exercises you have not done yet.
Should you experience any problems, write to us teachers2005-1@nonstopenglish.com
If you know of someone who is learning English you can tell him about us here:
Thank you.
If you want to unsubscribe from these motivating email exercises you can login and on the right, under the menu check 'Unsubscribe from email exercises' and press the 'Unsubscribe' button
If you want to delete your account you can unsubscribe here: http://www.nonstopenglish.com/login/deletemyaccount.asp?n=inglesestrella&e=inglesestrella.mailtoblogger@blogger.com
domingo, 26 de abril de 2009
- Finish photocopy about comparatives.
- Workbook: page 34 and 35 exercises 1, 2, 4, 5 and 6.
- If you are very fast you can do activities from Workbook page 88 and 89 (Grammar Revision & Extension)
Be good! I'll ask the substituting teacher next day, OK?
viernes, 24 de abril de 2009
Exercises 3º & 4º ESO (Public file)
If the icon doesn't work you can click on the following link.
lunes, 20 de abril de 2009
Interactive email exercise for inglesestrella from nonstopenglish.com for 20 April 2009
Put the verbs into the Past Simple tense.
Enter your login name: Enter your password: Forgot your password? Get it here |
Dear inglesestrella,
Here is the interactive email exercise you have requested.
Just open the file called Exercise_502.html
Do the exercise but before submitting it, do not forget to enter your login name and password.
Your login name is: inglesestrella
Forgot your password?
Click here and type your login name to receive your password:
If you wish to do this exercise online click on the link below
As a result of students' wish, you can choose which days you will receive email exercises.
If you want to have control over how often you want to receive email exercises, you can do the following:
Login to your account and click on the 'Personal data' link. Click 'I want to change my personal data' button.
Edit your profile, choose the days for your email exercises and update your account. Well, that's all.
If you do not select a day, you will receive an exercise every Tuesday and Thursday.
You will get max. 10 exercises without the need to do them. However, if you stop doing these exercises, we will not send you any new exercises. We will send you the exercises you have not done yet.
Should you experience any problems, write to us teachers2005-1@nonstopenglish.com
If you know of someone who is learning English you can tell him about us here:
Thank you.
If you want to unsubscribe from these motivating email exercises you can login and on the right, under the menu check 'Unsubscribe from email exercises' and press the 'Unsubscribe' button
If you want to delete your account you can unsubscribe here: http://www.nonstopenglish.com/login/deletemyaccount.asp?n=inglesestrella&e=inglesestrella.mailtoblogger@blogger.com
martes, 24 de marzo de 2009
3º A Unit 5 Vocabulary page 45
(Si te piden un nombre de usuario y una contraseña utiliza: inglesestrella; estrella)
Help people around the world!
En esta página web podrás practicar y aprender vocabulario mediante el uso de sinónimos y ganar/donar comida para los paises en vias de desarrollo con cada respuesta correcta que logres. Tan sólo tienes que intentar adivinar que significa la palabra que te indican eligiendo la que significa lo miso de entre otras cuatro, y además puedes escuchar cada una de ellas con tan sólo hacer clic en el icono del altavoz.
4º B Unit 5 Vocabulary page 45
- Click on the link below and place the cursor on the different images, listen and repeat.
- Now, check your partner memory, ask him the name of the different images in turns and then place the cursor on them to check and repeat.
Enjoy it!
LanguageGuide.org ofrece recursos sonoros integrados de manera gratuita para el aprendizaje de idiomas. Estos recursos se desarrollan con la ayuda y colaboración de voluntarios y está patrocinada por Language Guide, una organización registrada sin ánimo de lucro.
viernes, 20 de marzo de 2009
Comprehension questions about St Patrick's reading/listening
- When was he born?
- What is his real name?
- How long did he remained a prisioner?
- Who appointed him bishop?
- Where does Patrick's name come from? Does it have any special meaning?
- Where was he sent on a mission?
- Why was easy for him to spread God's word among the Irish peoples?
- What did St Patrick drive away and banish from the island?
- How did he explain the Holy Trinity to the Irish people?
- Can you tell us what is Ireland's national emblem?
jueves, 19 de marzo de 2009
martes, 17 de marzo de 2009
Video: Meet St. Patrick, the Man Behind the Myth

Watch a video about the life of St. Patrick courtesy of National Geographic Digital Media:
lunes, 16 de marzo de 2009

Patrick was born in Britain in the year 387. His real name is Maewyn Succat. The name St. Patrick was given to him later by Pope Celestine. He was the son of a Roman family.
When he was 16, he was captured and became a slave in Ireland. He spent a lot of time alone as a shepard looking after his master's sheep. During this time, his spirituality awakened and his belief in God became strong. He used to pray many times in a day. After 6 years he escaped.


Legend has it that St. Patrick used the shamrock to explain the Trinity - Father, Son and Holy

3º ESO
El profesor.
4º ESO
El profesor.
miércoles, 11 de marzo de 2009
Dudas 4º ESO
- en contextos formales se utiliza el singular;
- mientras que en contextos informales se suele utilizar el plural (para unir dos sujetos en singular)
Bueno espero que os sea de ayuda de cara a preparar el control que tenemos de la Unidad 4 el miércoles día 18.
lunes, 16 de febrero de 2009
La Mansión del Inglés
Espero que le saquéis partido y la disfrutéis. Ya nos contaréis en clase si os gusta.
La Mansión del Inglés. http://www.mansioningles.com © Copyright La Mansión del Inglés C.B. - Todos los Derechos Reservados .
domingo, 8 de febrero de 2009
Concurso de dibujo para la Asociacion CETA
- La fecha de entrega es el 14 de marzo y se lo debes de entregar unos días antes a tu profesor/a de inglés.
- El tema de este año es "People first" (Lo importante son las personas).
- Debe de estar relacionado con algún aspecto del aprendizaje del inglés.
- Tamaño A4
- Se pueden incluir palabras o algún tipo de mensaje en el dibujo.
Mucha suerte y ¡a dibujar artistas!
PD: si queréis ver las bases del concurso en inglés podéis pinchar aquí.