
Hola bienvenidos a este blog con el que se pretende proporcionar a estudiantes de cualquier edad una herramienta con la que ampliar sus conocimientos sobre la lengua inglesa proporcionando acceso a noticias de actualidad, canciones, juegos etc. Espero que os resulte de utilidad y por supuesto podéis hacer sugerencias en forma de comentarios en las distintas entradas del blog, aunque para ello primero tendréis que haceros seguidores claro. Have fun!

jueves, 25 de noviembre de 2021

martes, 21 de septiembre de 2021

Welcome back!

Hello, I hope you would like some challenging game. This is a classic, however, it doesn't make it less exciting! WORDSHAKE at British Council Learn English website. In fact there is an update to the one I show you here but it needs a better internet connection, and the features are the same, as I said before, I hope you enjoy it just the same as me! Just click here and let's play!

jueves, 4 de febrero de 2021

Intermediate+ Word of the Day: flounder

WordReference.com Online Language Dictionaries
Intermediate+ Word of the Day: flounder

Intermediate+ Word of the Day: flounder

To flounder means 'to struggle to move or to gain balance,' usually helplessly and quite clumsily. Related to this, it also means 'to speak or act in a clumsy way or with hesitation' and, more generally, 'to struggle' or 'to be in great difficulty.' You might have also heard that a flounder is a type of...

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Basic+ Word of the Day: weapon

WordReference.com Online Language Dictionaries
Basic+ Word of the Day: weapon

Basic+ Word of the Day: weapon

A weapon is an instrument used for...

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miércoles, 3 de febrero de 2021

Intermediate+ Word of the Day: hip

WordReference.com Online Language Dictionaries
Intermediate+ Word of the Day: hip

Intermediate+ Word of the Day: hip

The hip is the part on each side of our bodies where where the thigh bone meets the pelvis and also the joint of this area. Unrelatedly, the hip is the ripe fruit of a rose. As an adjective...

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