
Hola bienvenidos a este blog con el que se pretende proporcionar a estudiantes de cualquier edad una herramienta con la que ampliar sus conocimientos sobre la lengua inglesa proporcionando acceso a noticias de actualidad, canciones, juegos etc. Espero que os resulte de utilidad y por supuesto podéis hacer sugerencias en forma de comentarios en las distintas entradas del blog, aunque para ello primero tendréis que haceros seguidores claro. Have fun!

viernes, 29 de enero de 2021

Intermediate+ Word of the Day: clam

WordReference.com Online Language Dictionaries
Intermediate+ Word of the Day: clam

Intermediate+ Word of the Day: clam

A clam is a soft-bodied edible shellfish with two connected shells. Informally, a very silent and secretive person can be called a clam. As a slang term in the US, a clam is a dollar, though this is now a bit dated. As a verb, mainly used in US English, to clam means 'to dig for or gather...

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Basic+ Word of the Day: knob

WordReference.com Online Language Dictionaries
Basic+ Word of the Day: knob

Basic+ Word of the Day: knob

A knob is a handle, usually rounded, as on...

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jueves, 28 de enero de 2021

Intermediate+ Word of the Day: click

WordReference.com Online Language Dictionaries
Intermediate+ Word of the Day: click

Intermediate+ Word of the Day: click

A click, you might know, is a sharp sound. The related verb means 'to make such a sound' and, informally and figuratively, 'to become suddenly understood or clear.' Figuratively if things click, it means that they go well together or if two people click, it means that they...

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Basic+ Word of the Day: restless

WordReference.com Online Language Dictionaries
Basic+ Word of the Day: restless

Basic+ Word of the Day: restless

If you're restless you're without...

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miércoles, 27 de enero de 2021

martes, 26 de enero de 2021

Intermediate+ Word of the Day: blob

WordReference.com Online Language Dictionaries
Intermediate+ Word of the Day: blob

Intermediate+ Word of the Day: blob

A blob is a lump of thick, liquid substance or any other small lump, drop, or splotch. An object with no distinct shape or definition is also a blob, especially if it's a large one. Informally and always quite pejoratively, we use blob to talk about people. A person who's boring and uninteresting can be a blob, and so can...

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Basic+ Word of the Day: craving

WordReference.com Online Language Dictionaries
Basic+ Word of the Day: craving

Basic+ Word of the Day: craving

A craving is a strong desire...

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lunes, 25 de enero de 2021

Intermediate+ Word of the Day: cram

WordReference.com Online Language Dictionaries
Intermediate+ Word of the Day: cram

Intermediate+ Word of the Day: cram

To cram means 'to fill something by force with more than it can easily hold' or 'to force or stuff something.' When we are talking about people going into a limited space, it means 'to crowd.' Informally, if you study for an exam at the very last minute trying to memorize facts, then you're cramming. Cram is...

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Basic+ Word of the Day: alike

WordReference.com Online Language Dictionaries
Basic+ Word of the Day: alike

Basic+ Word of the Day: alike

Do you think these three men are alike?

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