
Hola bienvenidos a este blog con el que se pretende proporcionar a estudiantes de cualquier edad una herramienta con la que ampliar sus conocimientos sobre la lengua inglesa proporcionando acceso a noticias de actualidad, canciones, juegos etc. Espero que os resulte de utilidad y por supuesto podéis hacer sugerencias en forma de comentarios en las distintas entradas del blog, aunque para ello primero tendréis que haceros seguidores claro. Have fun!

miércoles, 21 de septiembre de 2022

 Welcome everybody, here we are again back to school and about to start a new school year. We really hope you enjoy this year a lot and we might be of any help  in your linguistics tasks or interests.

This year we start with a sad note since Queen Elizabeth II has recentely died and with her ends an era, we all have witnessed the images of the royal burial on television as it has been broadcasted all over the world, we've seen the long queues of people paying their respects to the Queen and all the political premiers as well. King Charles III follows in the line of succession so long live the King!

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